Nasturtiums, Mums and More

As most plants die away some continue to bloom cheerily.  We have not had a real frost in the backyard yet, though I saw frost on our front lawn one day.  We have a little warmer, more protected microclimate in the backyard.


Orange nasturtium


Orange nasturtiums and alyssum along the fence.  These have variegated leaves.  I planted 3 packets of Jewel mix nasturtiums around the yard, if I remember correctly.


More traditional looking leaves.  This giant group grew out onto the patio.  The squirrel jumped on them at one point but they grew back.


Yellow nasturtiums have a touch of orange and red.


Reddish orange nasturtium.  I did not get a picture of the dark red nasturtium.


Coral mums.  This picture was taken about a week ago.


Coral mums and pollinator


Some of the pollinators prefer the flowers to be a bit more ripe.


I looked for a bumblebee today and found one on the Agastache ‘blue boa.’


On Saturday, 10/19, there were two black swallowtail caterpillars chomping on my curly parsley.  I did not see them today, so hope they got away somewhere.


Virginia creeper


Aronia melanocarpa, black chokeberry ‘Viking black.’  I planted these two bushes last year and they grew nicely, though I did not get any berries this year.  The garden around them this year was mostly fallow, though I grew some sunflowers between them after the daffodils.


Our favorite vegetable this time of year is curly kale.  After we finish cooking our soup on the weekend we throw big bunches of chopped-up kale in, and it softens up in the hot soup pot.


The squirrels have been tearing around the yard, digging holes in the lawn and everywhere else, planting their nuts for the winter.  We don’t have acorns in our oak tree this year, after a bumper crop last year.

Fall colors are just starting in the yard….

October Flowers and Spooky Spiders

When I started designing my garden, the first thing I worked on was autumn flowers.  I love them, and it is a wonderful time of year to have them begin to bloom after slowly growing over the summer.  My goal is to always have something blooming from March through November or the first frost. This helps the insects and pollinators and cheers me up, too!

I have only been posting about once a month this summer, so there are too many pictures to pick from!

The big attraction this week has been the asters.


Can you see the green bee on these asters?


I think this is some kind of sweat bee.  I see them each year on the asters.


Hoverfly on aster


Corn earworm moth on aster


One day I saw a lot of fluttering on the asters from my office window.  I went out and found six to eight painted lady butterflies on the asters and they were also visiting the zinnias.


A few monarch butterflies joined in.


The goldenrod is mostly finished now, but it is so vibrant when it first opens.  Here with Russian sage.


The flies love the goldenrod and seem to like it as the flowers fade.


A few gaillardia still smiling


Zinnias and alyssum


Black swallowtail butterfly on marigolds


In the foreground the red flowers of pineapple sage are starting to bloom, a favorite of the hummingbirds.  The two huge sunflowers in the garden are leaning over.  I cut off the spent flowers and new flowers keep appearing.


Sunflowers keep blooming


Hummingbird rests in crabapple tree.  We had almost no crabapples last year and a bumper crop this year, though the leaves fell early.


The boltonia bloomed in mid-September.  A grasshopper enjoys the warm resting spot on the fence.


Pink turtlehead flowers. This picture is from about a month ago, and they are just finishing up now.


Garden spider lurking in the leaves of the pink turtlehead flowers


The foggy morning accentuated the spider webs in the garden and this garden spider looks spooky in its web.  I did not need to buy any spooky merchandise to get this picture!


The orb spiders have been very active on the patio.  One morning I came out to find 3 large orb spider webs near where I was going to hang laundry.


I found a few common meadow crickets in our little “meadow.”  I still hear crickets at night.


On a walk recently I saw this eastern shieldback katydid.  The phrase “on its last legs” came to mind.  That seems to be true of a lot of insect at this time of year, though it could just be that they are slow after a cold night.


Dragonfly – not moving too quickly, but looking beautiful!


It’s pepper season!  The brussel sprout and kale are great, though the last batch of tomatoes are taking their time ripening.  Organically grown food is the main focus of the garden, but I love the flowers, and all the variety keeps the garden pests under control.

Recent Reading:  Grandma Gatewood Walks


Loved this book!